Park Project Receives $350,000 Grant
April 10, 2024
The City of Rock Valley is excited to share that we have received $350,000 to go towards the Park Project! The money comes from the Community Attraction and Tourism (CAT) grants which are given by the Iowa Economic Development Authority and will be used for accessible playground equipment, new fall-safe surfacing, interior trails and perimeter sideways to increase walkability among other things.
In 2020, following a community wide survey, a committee was formed and tasked with the Park Project. Their goal is to create a space that fosters outdoor play, provides a space for our community to come together, and is a highlight in our town.
The Beautification Committee has been working hard on fundraising and completing plans for the Park Project. Part of this project also included a 4 seasons shelter house which was completed in the fall of 2023. The committee is passionate about creating a space that is functional, aesthetically pleasing, and has a variety of uses.
The Park Project Plans includes a new community event stage, open-air park shelters, security lighting, and well planned landscaping in addition to the four seasons shelter house, accessible playground equipment, fall-safe surfacing, and updated pathways. If you’d like to view the park plans, you can do so here.
If you’d like to support the Beautification Committee’s fundraising goals, you can contact Dave Miller. Rock Valley Kiwanis is also hosting a Buy a Brick Campaign, where you can purchase a brick and have it customized. These bricks will be used in a pathway near the playground. To learn more about this campaign, click here.