July 15
Daily Updates & Reminders 7.15.2024
- Tomorrow, July 16th at 6:00 PM at TRINITY CRC in Rock Valley, Terry Brown, who manages property acquisition projects for the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, will host town hall meeting to discuss the Hazard Mitigation Home Buyout Program. There will be a translator as well. You can watch a live stream of this event by using this link: https://vimeo.com/event/4077519*Please note the location change.
- Post Office Update: The retail unit is up and running so all retail functions can now be completed at the mobile Post Office unit. The Post Office hours are 9:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday, and 10:00am - 11:00am on Saturday.
- Debris pickup will continue until Friday, July 19 at noon.
- There are dumpsters located around town for flood debris. You can view the locations here: https://www.cityofrockvalley.com/flood-debris-dumpster...
- The City of Rock Valley is asking residents to PLEASE continue to limit water use. This means 3 minute showers, limited laundry, NO watering lawns. There will be a $300 fine for watering your lawn. ALLOWED USES: brushing teeth, face & hand washing, less than 3-minute showers, hand washed dishes, one load of laundry per household per day. NOT ALLOWED: LAWN IRRIGATION, CAR WASHING, DEEP CLEANING. LONG SHOWERS AND BATHS.
- FEMA will be set up at the City Park Shelter House from 8am - 6pm daily until further notice.
- The food pantry at Faith will be moving the remainder of the items to the Hull Food Pantry tomorrow. The Hull Food Pantry distributes items to families on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 5:00-6:15 pm. Address is 1135 Main Street Hull, IA (Hull Community Building).